It’s the Australia Day holiday, 26th January, when we celebrate the “birth of a nation” in the sense that it recollects the establishment of a British colony here in the eighteenth century … An event that tends to cause considerable discomfort in the minds of our long-suffering indigenous peoples.
So I’ve been taking it easy, listening to an Australia Day radio program from Hyde Park in Sydney by national broadcaster ABC FM, and looking thorough my digital photo archives.
We train ‘em very early in life in our part of the world. Here’s our two-year-old grandson, Hunter, who loves investigating my computer library. Here he is casually picking up some VB .NET language facts:
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Hunter quickly absorbed a VB technique or two, he looks at me obviously keen to get cracking on the code:
In contrast, his elder brother Lachlan at the same age a couple of years ago was more into chocolate biscuits (cookies, if you must):
You allow your grandson to be exposed to VB.NET??? At this age???