Saturday, February 03, 2018

Weird pricing–Some very ordinary books that cost a fortune

I don’t understand how this can happen (but freely admit that there are many things I don’t understand).

This is what puzzles me. On occasion, while searching some book-selling websites, I’ve come across some quite ordinary books – not rare centuries-old manuscripts, or the like – that are being sold at exorbitantly high prices, hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Just a few minutes ago I stumbled upon an example of this, at no less than Amazon. Examine the two screenshots below:



Screenshot A is for a paperback sold directly from Amazon, while screenshot B is for what seems to be exactly the same paperback but sourced from outside Amazon. More than $1,300 for a paperback, what effrontery!

How and/or why does this sort of price-gouging happen, at Amazon or elsewhere? It beats me.

1 comment:

  1. They may use robots to track the price of the book and using a wrong formula to determine the price/rarity.


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